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  • Apple Intelligence Unveiled: The Future of AI in Your Hands

Apple Intelligence Unveiled: The Future of AI in Your Hands

Explore the groundbreaking AI advancements from Apple WWDC, plus the latest in project delivery, AI ethics, and tech news

Apple Intelligence: Revolutionising AI for the Everyday User

While OpenAI and Google were making headlines in 2023, Apple was quietly acquiring 32 AI startups, preparing for a major leap in AI. At WWDC 2024, Apple unveiled "Apple Intelligence"—a suite of AI tools integrated into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, designed to be intuitive, personal, and private. Here’s a concise overview of the significant announcements.


  • Genmojis and Illustrations: Quickly create personalised, AI-generated avatars and illustrations featuring yourself or friends.

  • Image Wand: Transform rough sketches into detailed images or generate visuals from text prompts.

  • Photo Enhancement: Automatically clean up photos and locate specific images using plain language descriptions.


  • Email and Note Assistance: Proofread emails, summarise key points, and generate various writing styles.

  • Meeting Transcriptions: Transcribe meetings in the Notes app, with options for summaries and additional insights.

  • Smart Script: On iPad, clean up handwriting in real-time or convert text from messages and webpages into your handwriting.


  • On-Device AI Tasks: Low-level AI tasks are processed directly on your device, ensuring privacy and low latency.

  • Personal Understanding: Your device will recognise personal details like contacts and locations while keeping data encrypted and inaccessible to others.

Apple Intelligence: AI for the Rest of Us

Apple Intelligence isn’t just one app but a suite of AI tools integrated across Apple devices. The revamped Siri is central to this, now smarter and more capable, understanding human language better and integrating data from notes, emails, and calendars. Here’s a closer look at the standout features and innovations:

Writing Tools:

  • Proofreading and Summarising: Enhanced tools for text editing and summarisation.

  • Smart Reply and Priority Messages: Efficient management of emails, messages, and notifications.

Image Generators:

  • Image Playground: Create images from text or remix existing ones in styles like animation, illustration, or sketch. Notably, photorealistic images are not supported.

Privacy and Security:

  • Private Cloud Compute (PCC): Apple’s dedicated infrastructure for larger AI tasks, ensuring user data privacy and security.

  • On-Device Models: These handle simpler tasks directly on your device, with a unique system of adapters for efficient processing.

The Models Powering Apple Intelligence

Apple's AI system is three-tiered:

  1. On-Device Models: Handle simple tasks, ensuring privacy and low latency.

  2. Private Cloud Compute: For more demanding tasks, processed on Apple’s secure servers.

  3. Third-Party Models: Complex requests may be sent to third-party models like ChatGPT, with user consent and privacy safeguards.

Benchmarks and Safety:

Apple’s internal benchmarks show their models perform comparably or better than others. However, these results should be treated cautiously until independently verified.

Strategic Partnership with OpenAI:

Apple has partnered with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into Siri for complex requests. This partnership emphasises privacy, with Apple controlling most requests and ensuring OpenAI doesn’t store user data. This collaboration could change the dynamics between OpenAI and its major investor, Microsoft.

A Promising Start with Future Potential

Apple Intelligence could spark an upgrade cycle, driving iPhone sales as users seek the latest AI features. Apple’s commitment to privacy contrasts sharply with competitors, potentially making it a preferred choice for users prioritising data security.

The success of Apple Intelligence will depend on its real-world performance and user adoption. If Apple delivers on its promises, it could set a new standard for consumer AI, making advanced tools accessible to millions.


Apple Intelligence will be released in autumn 2024 as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, initially available in US English. Supported devices include iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and any iPads and Macs with Apple Silicon.

Graph of the Week

The chart from Ethan Mollick's article highlights how AI, specifically GPT-4, improves performance across skill levels. For participants in the bottom-half of skill, AI assistance increased task scores by 43%, significantly narrowing the performance gap with top-half skilled participants, who saw a 17% improvement. This suggests AI acts as a skill leveler, raising lower performers to a higher competency, beneficial for industries like construction and infrastructure where skill gaps can impact productivity.

For a deeper dive, read the full article here.

Quote of the Week

"Apple's entry into the generative AI market is a necessity...Apple doesn't need to be the first, but it can't afford to be left behind when it comes to AI.” Tim Cook, Apple WWDC 24

This Week's Big Thing

Revolutionising Project Delivery with Data Analytics and AI

Exciting times lie ahead as project delivery is revolutionised through the power of data analytics and AI. The Project Data Analytics Coalition is spearheading this transformation, uniting companies and long-term partners to tackle shared challenges and develop innovative solutions. Their vision is clear and ambitious: to accelerate progress 100x faster through collaboration and cutting-edge technology.

At the heart of their mission is the development of a “project brain” and comprehensive data architecture. This will not only streamline processes but also enhance benchmarking capabilities to demonstrate the profound impact of project data analytics. For instance, they recently digitised Statements of Work, slashing assurance time from 10 people over six weeks to less than an hour using digital forms, dynamic workflows, and Power BI. This initiative not only boosted data quality by over 30% but also showcased the potential of data analytics at scale.

Last week, the Coalition met at Project Hack 20 at Sheffield University, a pivotal event where over 100 apprentices and experts shared insights and solutions. (Check out Project Flux podcast episode 11 to hear the introduction.) This gathering was a crucial step in driving their shared agenda forward, fostering a culture of experimentation and success-sharing. Their aim is to pool data for collective benefit, continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in project delivery.

The Coalition works directly with the Project Data Analytics Task Force and the Project Data Analytics Community, ensuring that their efforts are aligned with broader industry goals and initiatives.

The Coalition is offering a limited number of seats, with only 12 spots remaining. This is a unique opportunity to join a transformative journey, shaping the future of project management. By participating, members can champion innovative experiments, share successes, and contribute to a shared roadmap that promises substantial benefits for all involved.

To learn more and join this groundbreaking endeavour, check out the LinkedIn announcement here.

Tip of the Week - What is AI?

The "Artificial Intelligence Taxonomy" chart provides a structured view of AI, illustrating its hierarchical nature and how specific technologies are nested within broader categories. At the highest level, we have Artificial Intelligence (AI), which encompasses all machine-based intelligence. Narrow AI, a subset, focuses on specific tasks rather than general intelligence.

Within Narrow AI, Machine Learning (ML) emerges, where systems improve through data and experience. Deep Learning, a more advanced form of ML, uses neural networks to model complex patterns. Generative AI, another ML branch, creates new content rather than merely analysing existing data.

Large Language Models (LLMs), a type of Generative AI, understand and generate human language. Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs) are LLMs pre-trained on extensive datasets. GPT-4, a state-of-the-art example, powers applications like ChatGPT, which engage in human-like conversations.

This taxonomy highlights the layered complexity of AI, offering insights into the interconnected nature of various AI technologies, crucial for industries like construction, energy, and infrastructure where AI is increasingly integral.

AI in Project Delivery

  • Google’s AEC Moonshot: BuiltWorlds discusses how Google's ambitious tech innovations could disrupt the AEC sector, predicting automation from design to project management, driven by data integration and robotics. Read more.

  • UK’s National Grid and AI: The UK's National Grid may struggle to support the increased energy demands driven by AI advancements, raising concerns about future energy infrastructure readiness. Read more.

  • Autodesk Revenue Boost: Leveraging 3D AI technology, Autodesk’s revenues surged to $1.42 billion, showcasing the growing impact of advanced digital tools in the construction industry. Read more.

  • AI Mobile Crusher: Banner Contracts acquires the UK’s first AI-driven mobile impact crusher, marking a significant technological advancement in construction machinery. Read more.

  • Digital Twin Consortium Partnership: The Digital Twin Consortium and Smart Cities Council expand their global partnership, enhancing digital twin technology adoption for smarter urban planning. Read more.

When Will Robots Become Reality?

The Future of Humanoid Robots: Will They Become Reality?

Humanoid robots, once the stuff of sci-fi dreams, are closer than ever to becoming a reality. Companies like Figure, Agility Robotics, 1X Technologies, and Tesla are promising that within the next couple of years, we’ll see these robots working alongside humans in various settings. But will they deliver on these promises?

A Perfect Storm for Robotics

Recent advancements in electric motors, batteries, AI, and manufacturing have set the stage for humanoid robots. Investments are pouring in, with Figure raising $675 million and 1X securing $100 million in recent funding rounds. Tesla’s Optimus robot and Boston Dynamics' latest models are part of this rapid development.

Practicality and Purpose

The aim of humanoid robots is to replace costly human labour with robotic efficiency. They’re designed to integrate seamlessly into existing workplaces, handling repetitive, low-skill tasks. However, the initial cost is high. For example, Unitree’s H1 robot costs $150,000, which raises questions about cost-effectiveness compared to traditional robots or human workers.

Overcoming Challenges

For humanoid robots to succeed, they must be cost-efficient and capable. They need to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, and be safe to work around. Current robots can understand spoken language but often lack the ability to interpret gestures and facial expressions. Safety features, such as emergency stop buttons, are also essential but sometimes overlooked.

The Road Ahead

The future of humanoid robots is uncertain. While automation will continue to evolve, it’s unclear whether general-purpose humanoid robots or specialised machines will dominate. The true test will come as these robots enter real workplaces, where they must prove their practical value. Many companies may not survive the initial reality check, but those that do could revolutionise the industry.

In summary, humanoid robots hold immense potential, but significant challenges remain. The coming years will be crucial in determining whether they can truly integrate into our workspaces and fulfil their promise.

Tech News

  • AI and Superintelligence: Arthur Mensch explores AI's journey towards superintelligence, addressing the challenges and breakthroughs that mark this path. Read more.

  • Elon Musk Drops Suit Against OpenAI: Elon Musk has withdrawn his lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman, citing a desire to avoid prolonged legal disputes. Read more.

  • Microsoft Ends Custom AI Chatbots: Microsoft discontinues its GPT Builder service for consumers, shifting focus to enterprise solutions. Read more.

  • Real Photo Wins AI Contest: A real photograph has triumphed in an AI-generated image contest, sparking discussions on the authenticity of digital art. Read more.

  • Nvidia Surpasses $3 Trillion Market Cap: Nvidia's market capitalisation exceeds $3 trillion, outstripping Apple and highlighting the growing importance of AI. Read more.

  • New AI Video Model Impresses: Sora Kling's new AI video model garners significant attention for its advanced capabilities. Read more.

  • Microsoft, Nadella, and OpenAI: The Wall Street Journal covers the dynamics between Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, OpenAI, and their future in AI innovation. Read more.

  • ElevenLabs Introduces Sound Effects: ElevenLabs expands its AI capabilities by adding sound effects, enhancing the audio experience for users. Read more.

  • AI to Decode Dog Vocalisations: Researchers at the University of Michigan develop AI to understand dog vocalisations, potentially transforming human-animal communication. Read more.

  • Sony AI Opens New Office in Barcelona: Sony AI establishes a new office in Barcelona, focusing on expanding its AI research and development capabilities. Read more.

  • AI Candidate in UK Parliament: An AI candidate running for UK Parliament claims AI can bring a more human approach to politics. Read more.

AI Security News

  • Building AI Products: Benedict Evans discusses the complexities and considerations in developing AI products, emphasising the balance between innovation and ethical responsibility. Read more.

  • State of AI at Work Report: Anthropic's report explores the current state and future impact of AI in the workplace, focusing on ethical deployment and productivity enhancements. Read more.

  • AI Ethics and Governance: The Alan Turing Institute launches workbooks aimed at guiding public sector organisations in ethical AI practices, covering sustainability, fairness, and accountability. Read more.

  • Microsoft Recalls Copilot Feature: Microsoft decides to pull the recall feature from its Copilot AI at launch, prioritising user safety and system reliability. Read more.

  • Pope Francis on AI: Pope Francis warns about the ethical implications of AI, advocating for responsible and human-centred development of this powerful technology. Read more.

New Tools in Tech

Tool of the Week: PlayPlay

PlayPlay is an intuitive video creation tool designed for businesses to produce high-quality videos quickly and easily. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, coupled with extensive customisation options, allows users to create professional videos without advanced editing skills. The platform supports collaboration, enabling teams to work together efficiently. This is particularly beneficial for industries like construction and infrastructure, where timely and clear communication is essential. PlayPlay's versatility makes it ideal for social media content, corporate announcements, and more.

For more information, visit PlayPlay.

Event of the Week

The Next Frontier: How Client Expectations Are Redefining Project Delivery Through Data and AI" will be held on 19th June 2024 at 6:00 PM, at 95 New Cavendish St. This event aligns perfectly with Project Flux's mission to educate professionals about the transformative impact of AI in project delivery.

By showcasing the pivotal role of client expectations in driving data and AI integration, the event underscores the necessity for innovation in project management. Attendees will gain valuable insights from industry experts on leveraging data and AI to meet sophisticated client demands, ensuring smarter, more efficient project outcomes. Sign up on the London Project Data and Analytics Meetup page.

Podcasts: Must-Subscribe List

Big Podcast of the Week: Project Flux Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with ChatGPT to discuss the latest partnership between OpenAI and Apple. We explore whether Apple's new AI Intelligence will drive an uptake in AI technology or have the opposite effect. Key topics include:

🍏 Apple's AI Intelligence reveal and project evolution
🕵️‍♂️ User privacy concerns and Elon Musk's threats
🎙️ APM debate highlights with Dave Corbin (Gleeds) and Dev Amratia (nPlan)
🗣️ Martin Paver (Projecting Success) on Project Hack's evolution
🏗️ Highlights from Digital Construction Week 2024